The Start of My Machine Learning Journey

ML Buddy
2 min readSep 1, 2021

I’ve spent a good bit of time over the past few months learning a lot about Machine Learning and I thought I’d share some of that knowledge here. Let’s see, I started my Machine Learning journey sometime in March 2021 I believe and it’s currently the first of September of that same year, so let’s say it’s been a solid 6 months since I’d been tasked with creating an ML model that can recognize unique images on the sides of objects. Why I am being so vague is another story for another time. The problem was clear though, and I sorely underestimated the amount of research it would take to get my bearings on a solution. The solution I ended up landing on was Object Detection.

When first wading into the field of Object Detection, I quickly started to realize that everywhere I went to read about setting up an Object Detection model seems to assume you are a Data Scientist that already knows the nitpicky details. So I would have to jump from one article to another piecing together relevant bits of information until I finally had a grasp on what was going on. The first thing I remember was that Apple had a Machine Learning framework called CreateML that made it super easy to create models and that’s how I got my foot in the door.

So you went all in with Apple then right?

No, not hardly, I was able to train about 4 different classes of objects with about 100 images each which was really cool. However, this is when I realized that while training the models can be CPU / GPU time intensive, labeling the number of images that you need to create a useful robust model can be even more time intensive than that.

More about that tomorrow…

See ya later Buddies!



ML Buddy

Attempting to make machine learning more accessible than it was when I arrived.